Mar 30, 2011

Female sitting on eggs March 28 2011

On Monday the two red-tailed hawks starting sitting on the nest full time. The male and female take turns on the nest.
Gary and Diane noticed on Sat March 26, 2011 that the female was sitting for a hour and a half the flew off, on Sunday March 27, 2011 same thing. By Monday afternoon they made sure the nest was occupied full time.
So 35 days we should see female dipping to feed a eyas. End of April or first week of May.

Mar 28, 2011

Red-Tail in flight March

Chris joined me on my search for red-tails today. Here is one of her shots at Diane and Garys house. Check out her blog and photos. Amazing shots and amazing photographer.
Chris McConnell

Mar 26, 2011

Female Red-Tail hawk March 26 2011

Chris and I had a visit with Gary and Diane today. Just as we were leaving the female landed on the branch.
Gary and Diane were telling us about the male and female red-tailed hawks having a disagreement. Apparently the male had a mouse and the female wanted it. He refused to give it to her so she gave him heck screaming at him. Shortly after the female came in with her own meal and sat on the hydro pole and enjoyed it (on her own).

Mar 25, 2011

Male sitting in the sun March 24, 2011

The male red-tailed hawk fooled me. I was leaving Diane and Gary when I saw the female land in the nest. Walked back to the tree and he was sitting in the sun.

Mar 21, 2011

Female in Elm Tree March 19, 2011

Sitting in the sun preening and resting.

Nest Building March 19,, 2011

Take off

Breaking off branches from the Elm Tree for nest

Male Red-Tailed Hawk on March 19, 2011

Male Red-Tailed Hawk - this is a very shy fellow. He doesn't stay in one place very long. Any sign of anyone besides his female and he takes off.

Gary and Diane March 2011

I am so pleased to introduce Gary and Diane, loving and caring caretakers to these wonderful pair of red-tailed hawks. They keep a watch on the hawks. Enjoy their story of the Wexford Red-Tailed Hawks over the past few years.

Pair working hard on nestFeb 20, 2011

This incredible female red-tailed hawk is beautiful, strong and very very fast. Gary and Diane's Red-Tailed Hawks are very busy getting the nest ready for the 2011 season. I am hoping mine will return soon.

2011 Season for Red-Tailed Hawks - their back and working hard

Feb 17, 2011
I received a call from Gary and Diane saying the male and female red-tailed hawk are back and sitting on the elm tree.

Male comes a calling

My friends Gary and Diane are blessed to have a pair of red-tailed hawks nesting by there house. The big elm in the backyard is a meeting place for adults hawk. The young eyas once they fledge come and sit on the same tree.
Last year they had 3 babies. Can't wait to see how many this year.

Male Red-Tailed Hawk

Female Red-Tailed hawk breaking branches to put in the nest. She went back and forth many times.