May 31, 2011

Eyas - two clearly seen Red Tailed hawks May 31, 2011

you can clearly see the one eyas in the middle of the opening and the second one is a shadow on the left side.



May 27, 2011

Male Red-Tailed Hawk May 26 2011

The male who is mostly on the nest these days was trying to have some peace and quiet on the elm tree. As soon as he arrived he was mobbed by Robins, and Red-winged black birds

May 25, 2011

Red-Tailed Hawks being chased by other birds May 25 2011

Poor hawks were being harassed by red-winged blackbirds, robins and crows. They couldn't even sit on a branch for a minute without being attacked.

May 23, 2011

Female Red-tailed Hawk in tree, Male soaring behind her May 22 2011

Amazing amazing sigh - female preening in tree and the mail was soaring behind her. Then both went to the nest to feed the eyas.

Nest tree - one adult was feeding the second just sitting on edge of nest

May 21, 2011

Female Red Tailed hawk May 20 2011

Stopped in to visit Gary and Diane. both male and female were soaring above the sky. Gary has seen clearly 2 eyas in the nest.

May 20, 2011

2 Baby Red Tailed Hawks seen May 19, 2011

Gary and Dianne saw two eyas yesterday. I went today and saw both mom and dad. Photos to follow tomorrow. Ann

May 17, 2011

Male Red-Tailed hawk taking rest from nest May 17 2011

Stopped by today to see the red tailed hawks. Gary and Diane have seen one eyas. I saw the male taking a break in the elm tree. After i got there a red winged blackbird started to chase him.

Crow attacking male red-tailed hawk

May 10, 2011

Eyas have arrived at the Wexford Nest

On Monday May 2nd Gary noticed the adult on the edge of the nest. On Tuesday May 3 Gary confirmed that they have at least one eyas. Again the nest is quite deep so it will be a few weeks before we can tell if there is one, two, three or more.

Keep watching for news.

Both adults were also seen flying together. The male seems to be doing most of the feeding of the young.