Sep 6, 2012

Another successful year at the nest - 3 young

Wexford Red-tailed hawks gave neighbours thrills flying from tree to tree.  Sitting on top of roofs and some great antic.  I have lots of photos and will try to post them soon.

Some highlights

Big Mama sitting in a bird bath on the front yard of a house.
Big Mama and juv male having a talk in the tree
Juveniles flying from Diane house to roof tops

Amazing action and truly beautiful birds.

Stay tuned for photos Only 2000 to look at.


Jun 18, 2012

Red-tailed Hawks Eyas now flying June 18

On June 16
I witnessed two of the eyas fledging.  One stayed on the nest bouncing around
like on a trampoline.
They look healthy and very happy.
Lots of new photos coming up.

May 5, 2012

Big Mama has hatched her first egg!

On Monday, April 30 at 5 p.m., Big Mama was spotted dipping away at a frenetic pace.  Her mate has been running himself ragged keeping up with the food orders.  When not hunting for food, he repairs the nest.

Mar 7, 2012

March 6, 2012 Big Mama and her mate get it on!

Last June, a violent storm snapped the top off a nearby spruce tree.  City workers levelled it off, resulting in an excellent perch.  Yesterday, at 0730h, Gary spotted Big Mama and Eggbert mating on the perch!  Immediately afterward, she resumed nest-building, while her mate headed for the hydro field to do a little hunting.

Feb 15, 2012

Big Mama enjoying food from Male Feb 15 2012

Skip and I enjoyed a visit to the Wexford Hawk nest.  We witnessed both male and female in nest, female calling to male, male bringing in the food and Big Mama eating most of it in a big swallow.
Big Mama was sitting pretty while Skip and I talked to Gary and Diane and enjoyed a coffee watching her.  Gary told us that they were both working on the nest today.

Great day at the nest.  But then I had to go to work. Sigh

Our love is here to stay...

February 15, 2012

Big Mama let loose with her distinctive call and dutiful Eggbert responded, bringing her an
unidentified mammal as a token of his love (she promptly gobbled it down).  Eggbert was
seen earlier carrying twigs to the nest and doing some work there, while Big Mama took
off  for a little hunting in the hydro field.

Male bringing food to Gary and Diane tree in the back yard.

Photo by Skip Shand - hope you had fun Skip.

Feb 9, 2012

Big Mama and her mate, Eggbert are back on the scene!

February 8, 2012

We spotted Big Mama snapping twigs off the maple tree out back, while a small group of kamikaze
Blue Jays took swipes at her.  Oblivious, she soldiered on, methodically carrying twigs back to the
old nest.  The elusive Eggbert did a fly-by, but chose not to linger after he spotted a paparazzo.

Such is fame! Last photo is male Red-Tailed Hawk